The Ancient Mythopoetic Approach to Storytelling

The Universal Grammar of Story is an ancient mythopoetic philosophy and method of writing. It is not a genre but a way of approaching any storytelling genre, be it fiction or nonfiction. It is founded on four core pillars:

  1. The unconscious drives calling a writer to a particular story and drawing its audience to it, including three forms of intelligence used in storytelling;
  2. The power of language and how some words embolden while others weaken writers;
  3. The core narrative forms of story structure and logic;
  4. How mythology and mystical philosophy naturally move through stories

The Series

One of the best books on the subject of writing, storytelling, and storytelling structure in recent memory exploring the writer’s multifaceted powers of transformation and communication. ~ Reprospace Reviews

A philosophical and technical wonder. Breathtaking in its density and scope. In language both poetic and concise, Hazel Denhart unpeels the beauty of the writing process with a deft skill. ~Rev. Sarita Brown

Deep, poetic and daring. I have gained many epiphanies and renewed excitement to begin writing again, now through a more sacred lens. ~Akiala I, author of 100 Things

A truly worthy insight into the storytelling craft and the wisdom at its heart worth the price of admission alone. If you enjoy anything related to the formation and/or thought of story, this book is a must have! Rob, Goodreads

The Universal Grammar of Story is an enlightened method of storytelling that integrates structure with mystery, ignites the intellect, and opens our minds to the audacity of intuitive encounter. –Brian Jaeger, Inside Works, Seattle

Never has more deep thought, research, experience and passion been so beautifully integrated into a step-by-step guide to the anatomy of a story. –Nani Lawrence author of Living in a State of Grace

Hazel Denhart opens your eyes to an entirely new way of viewing writing and shows you the common world of every great piece of writing or film that you’ve ever come across. –Karen Gatens

About the Trademark

The Universal Grammar of Story® is a registered trademark governing this unique mythopoetic writing method and philosophy. The presence of the trademark with books, videos, classes, lectures, presentations, games, and other products and services assures consumers that these materials are certified as authentic. Teachers, presenters, coaches and workshop leaders among others with Universal Grammar of Story certification have undergone rigorous training in the method and philosophy based on extensive scholarly research.

Writing for the Soul of the World Videos

Learn about the Universal Grammar of Story with short videos on YouTube.

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